Line graph. Listening to the media would make you believe that the sky is falling and we are all going to die from coronavirus. Sign in or Sign up today! If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest emergency room, or call 911 immediately. That period was one of the most momentous in … Listening to the media would make you believe that the sky is falling and we are all going to die from coronavirus. Americans' trust in the mass media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly since 1997. We are not responsible for content written by and hosted on third-party websites. Dr. Fauci stated recently that the worst of the recent modelling estimates may result in 100,000-200,000 deaths. The creator of the list was a madcap left-wing activist who compiled it on a whim, not through any sort of rigorously-vetted academic process. The father of slain Boulder police officer Eric Talley pushed back against the Biden regime's move to exploit his son's death to disarm Americans by telling the media his son was a strong supporter of the Second Amendment who owned an AR-15 and would be "deeply offended" if his death was used to promote gun control. But, I don’t think it deserves the fear level we are at right now. endobj Steven Yager is not responsible for the claims of external websites and education companies. You wouldn’t know it, but there is still good news about COVID-19 out there. Any and all entities are in and of themselves. endobj The vitamin C is a combination therapy developed in 2017 by Dr. Paul Marik at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Brandon, what you're looking for may not exist, simply because people write the news, and all people have biases that show through, despite the best intentions of the journalist. While generic faith in the media has been gradually declining over recent decades, the precipitous drop in trust and questions about what motivates the mainstream media can be traced to June 2015 and Donald … What good news am I talking about? David Brownstein, MD is a conventionally trained Board-Certified Family Physician with the additional overlay of holistic principles. I say turn off the news. It is a serious illness as I have observed in both patients and friends. I have shown you our success in treating COVID-19 patients with a holistic protocol that includes oral dosing of vitamins A, C, D, and iodine as well as IV vitamin C, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide. Any therapies that are discussed should be supervised under the guidance of your physician or licensed healthcare professional. Why does the media concentrate on the bad things in life, rather than the good? Unlike corporate media, the non-mainstream is driven by a desire for the truth - not profits. However, our fear level is much too high for this illness. Shortly after the US election, BuzzFeed Canada media editor Craig Silverman’s coverage of fake news sites that were widely shared and engaged with on Facebook during the election began an outbreak of the buzzword being reported ad infinitum by mainstream media around the globe. Search. Coronavirus XIV: The Good News is Still There But Not Reported By Mainstream Media, by Dr. Brownstein. Steven Yager does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on <> 4 0 obj They see not only an ever-growing partisanship in news reporting but a determination by the mainstream media to push a political agenda instead of honestly disseminating the news… In today’s post, I want to share some of the stories that mainstream media (MSM) does not cover. Yep, that’s right: the American government, not ISIS, was behind those nauseating scenes. Let’s say that 200,000 Americans die of COVID-19. they report info out of context to lead you to the conclusion that suits their agenda. It’s unlikely that media executives expected the furious demand for news in 2020 and early 2021 would last indefinitely. Steven Yager and Yager & Associates is in no way associated or affiliated with any organization whose information is featured on this site. ... 12+ Honest News Sites Way Better Than Mainstream Media 1. Children are not dying in droves from this. Posted on … It is most important to keep in mind that if the worst-case modelling estimate comes true–200,000 die– 99.94% of us will be ok. And, I believe those estimates are too high. Spread the love. The death of 200,000 Americans is a big deal. Not reported by mainstream media: Farm Attack: Elderly couple shot during farm attack on Primkop Farm Posted on 03/12/2018 Leave a comment An elderly couple were attacked and shot in their home on Primkop Farm on the R538 near Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport (KMIA) during the evening of 30th November 2018. I am rarely at a loss for words, but here I am. I passed along the information I presented above to two local hospitals and offered my services to explain how to properly administer IV nutrients. An insatiable fascination with all things God and Science. The “fake news” freakout: The story about a professor creating an authoritative list of “fake news” websites, as widely reported across the mainstream media, was itself a fake news story. Mainstream media outlets and liberal pundits are parroting CBS News' "60 Minutes" widely panned report that Florida Gov. Who dies at the hands of police — and how often. or medical professionals presenting content for publication to Steven Yager is solely at your own risk. CNN, broadcast networks ignore Hunter Biden revelations, others downplay Senate report Investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden 'received $3.5 million in a … %PDF-1.7 And even those who oppose interpretation of facts generally favor the fact-checking role of the news media. Steven Yager does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information. I thought the press release would be the lead story on Fox, CNN, MSN, and every other media outlet. Thousands have died and, unfortunately, more deaths are coming. The number who say it is done accidentally has increased from 17% a year ago as more people feel that the traditional media engages in reporting fake news stories. Reliance on any information provided by, Steven Yager employees, contracted writers, or medical professionals presenting content for publication to Steven Yager is solely at your own risk. The only outlet to give any coverage was Fox News. CNN published a news report on Tuesday which stated matter-of-factly that "there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth." An elderly couple were attacked and shot in their home on Primkop Farm on the R538 near Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport (KMIA) during the evening of 30th November 2018. It was typical actions of the mainstream media where they ignore a real story. A majority of Americans believe that the mainstream media publishes fake news, according to a Harvard-Harris poll. IN FACT, they should be getting vitamin C IVs within six hours of entering the ER because data shows a markedly reduced mortality rate if the IV is started within six hours of admission. Who dies at the hands of police - and how often. %���� ... Greenwald: Journalists Attack The Powerless, Then Self-Victimize to Bar Criticisms of Themselves. Adopting a holistic health plan can not only help you feel better, it can lower your risk of dying from many diseases including COVID-19. When you read the news, sometimes it can feel like the only things reported are terrible, depressing events. "Non-mainstream Media" refers to any other media outlet that doesn't fall under the 90 plus percent owned by the global media conglomerates. x��]YoI�~7���}X@��+�ʁ�-�=�����L?�샬�"Zג���ߌ��`%��ʀE�Ȫ�/32�Ȉ���_�y��OG?~X�o�.�8Z���WuU�?���^h��X�X��~��_ׯ_�������������ׯ��]�`�F���+��~5��x��9����+�Z������_~x�ʽ��t?����z��������GG�^�zI����m,7�ܢ�*�fh^�fl;���K�0��G��M]3V����!S3�!��kF�̺��;���5S�;��_�=|�[�". The site and its content are provided on an “as is” basis. Go nuts with the cancer-protective properties of walnuts (Food) - 73 Hours Ago. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi Building Powerful Virus ... Saturday Afternoon Weekly Chat with the Medical Staff of the Center for Holistic Medicine, Dr. Brownstein’s Blog on Coronavirus Part X, New Clinical and Translational Research Section of “Science, Public Health Policy & The Law”, CDC Data Shows COVID Vaccine Injuries Surpasses 50,000, Only YOU can Prevent COVID-19 VACCINE DEATHS, A Seriously Effective Approach to Viruses. Posted on April 7, 2020 | Leave a comment. Posted by Steven Yager | Apr 3, 2020 | Dr. Brownstein | 0 |, Blog #19 The Good News is Not Reported By Mainstream Media. The New York Times building is seen on June 30, 2020 in New York City. Another important point about these numbers is that. Main menu. All content found on the website, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. Links to educational content not created by Steven Yager are taken at your own risk. The news media and the government have created a charade that serves their own interests but misleads the public. While Dr. Brownstein does not claim to have a cure for any illness, he does believe that we can enhance the individual’s immune system by supporting the ‘host’ & the terrain of the host. "Non-mainstream Media" refers to any other media outlet that doesn't fall under the 90 plus percent owned by the global media conglomerates. Before I get into the good news, let me preface this article by stating that I am not minimizing the dangers of COVID-19. The good news is that people all over the world are doing their share to keep journalism alive. We are too heavy, eat poor diets and don’t exercise enough. You are not signed in as a Premium user; we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting. Sexual abuse, children kept in cages, extra-judicial … For comparison, 630,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. The number who believe this type of false reporting is done on purpose has not changed much from a year ago when it stood at 39%. Dr. Marik reported a significantly lowered death rate in those treated with his regimen. A delay above that markedly increases the death rate. The most obvious story that the mainstream media failed to cover was the claim that major psychiatric disorders were due to chemical imbalances in the brain, and that the new psychiatric drugs fixed those imbalances. The Good News is Not Reported by Mainstream Media You wouldn’t know it, but there is still good news about COVID-19 out there. Mainstream Media told Not Allowed to Investigate Voter Fraud . The Corbett Report. That period was one of the most momentous in … Listening to the media would make you believe that the sky is falling and we are all going to die from coronavirus. How many, we’ll never know, not because they data could not be accumulated but because it would never be reported by the media. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, The death of 200,000 Americans is a big deal. Sign in or Sign up today! Dr. J. Varon at United General Hospital In Houston reported saving 16 lives with this protocol. If it kills 100,000, 0.03% of us will die and 99.97% of us will live. Muslim anti-Isis march not covered by mainstream media outlets, say organisers 'Hundreds of Muslims flooded the streets of London to condemn terrorism. Blog #19 The Good News is Not Reported By Mainstream Media . So, my advice is STOP watching the news. It is certain. The only thing being reported by mainstream media is that the election is locked, Joe Biden won, and some delusional Trump supporters are embarrassing ourselves along with the President in some desperate attempt to “steal” the election. As The Free Thought Project has reported, while there was once a time when the mainstream media was run by dozens of companies, it is now controlled by six corporations. We started writing our articles concerning fake news back in February, 2012. BBC News and other corporate media could certainly not be accused of being at all ‘repetitive’ about such deeply damaging aspects of the extradition hearing. The site may contain health or medical related materials or discussions regarding explicit biology and physiology. AFP via Getty Images. Veritas Today Real news articles that are NOT reported by the mainstream media. There have been therapies that show good results against the coronavirus without relying on expensive drugs. endobj Top 10 U.S. aid recipients practice torture. I have caught CNN, AP NY Times etc. You wouldn’t know it, but there is still good news about COVID-19 out there. Once 12 hours has passed, it is too late. It is a serious illness as I have observed in both patients and friends. So, my advice is STOP watching the news. I guess I called that one wrong. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The mainstream news media would like people to believe that so many people actually thought enough of these stories were credible that the impact … Fermented chokeberry may reduce the negative effects of a high-fat diet (Food) - 71 Hours Ago. When mainstream media went silent on Antifa, he saw it as his duty to continue covering their violence. To date, I have heard that one of the hospitals is using vitamin C. That is great news. The final death rate from COVID-19 will probably be at or slightly higher than the regular yearly influenza death rate of 0.01%–once we start testing everybody to see how prevalent this illness actually is. This is not Ebola or hemorrhagic fever where the death rate is 50% or higher in those that get it. They are going to see what we have been seeing.”. Elderly people on oxygen usually do not survive COVID-19. The horrific incident became the most prominent news story in the world, and rightly so. The Media Do Not Want You To Read, Share, or Discuss The New York Post's Hunter Biden Scoop Journalists should correct the story rather than pretend it doesn't exist. Disclaimer: The information in this blog should not be used as medical advice. Four in 10 U.S. adults say they have "a great deal" (9%) or "a fair amount" (31%) of trust and confidence in the media to report the news "fully, accurately, and fairly," while six in 10 have "not very much" trust (27%) or "none at all" (33%). Most mainstream news outlets aren’t falling for Rudy Giuliani’s “October surprise” — at least not yet. No amount of effort on the part of conservation organisations deeply involved in koala issues has deterred WWF from using this “get out of gaol” card for governments. Natural therapies work. Posted on 03/12/2018 Leave a comment. In other words, the REAL NEWS….I tire of even reading the MSM headlines, so full of drama, propaganda, hate-Trump rhetoric, and outright LIES. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. How about this news: Three US hospitals use of IV vitamin C and other low-cost, readily available drugs cut the death-rate of COVID-19-without the use of ventilators! You wouldn’t know it, but there is still good news about COVID-19 out there. Unfortunately, he found it firsthand. Real news articles that are NOT reported by the mainstream media. Before I get into the good news, let me preface this article by stating that I am not minimizing the When COVID-19 came to Virginia, Dr. Marik used his protocol. From Dr. Brownstein at You wouldn’t know it, but there is still good news about COVID-19 out there. Where are the vitamin C reports? Among others: Most mainstream news organizations, including NBC News, have not been granted access to the documents. That means that COVID-19 will kill o.o6% of our population (200,000/329,500,000). 3 0 obj High-profile police killings, particularly of African … Hillary Has a 98% Chance of Winning The … The press release regarding the success with vitamin C in treating COVID was sent to me late at night Monday (March 30, 2020). Majority of U.S. adults think news media should not add interpretation to the facts By Michael Barthel and Jeffrey Gottfried A key question that news organizations face, particularly during intense periods like election years, is to what degree journalists should present the facts with some interpretation, giving their audience guidance in navigating all the information that comes at them. He reported saving four COVID-19 patients including an 86-year-old man admitted to the hospital with 100% oxygen. We assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. There is no mortality benefit from the IV protocol. He explains that it’s the inflammation sparked by the Coronavirus, not the virus itself, that kills patients. The “fake news” freakout: The story about a professor creating an authoritative list of “fake news” websites, as widely reported across the mainstream media, was itself a fake news story. Ron DeSantis, R., gave the … Nor are children being maimed and paralyzed. The vast majority of registered voters say that fact-checking is a responsibility of the news media. Newer posts → 9/13/2011 – Peter Schiff Testifies Before Congressional Jobs Committee. It is not hyperbole or rank speculation to say that countless Americans who trusted mainstream media and politically minded doctors died as a result of biased, anti-Trump advice. —Steven Yager. Blog/Politics Posted Nov 6, 2020 by Martin Armstrong . Media Criticism. This should be wakeup call for all Americans to get healthy. Help counter the mainstream media and spread the word. I thought there would be a run on IV vitamin C. I guess good news is not worth reporting. It is a serious illness as I have observed in both patients and friends. IT IS INFURIATING! On Tuesday morning, I had a meeting with my nurses and said, “Finally, the hospitals are going to start using vitamin C on COVID patients. I will report that to you soon. Mediterranean diet linked to lower depression risk, according to study (Food) - 73 Hours Ago. Offerings for continuing education credits are clearly identified and the appropriate target audience is identified. Media should not “drive” the public agenda . If you're pressed for time and just looking for a quick fix, then check out The 4 … Another important point about these numbers is that COVID-19 primarily kills the elderly and those with co-morbid conditions. Banning click-bait upstarts will only scratch the surface of a much deeper problem, the systemic duplicity of a corporate mass media that serves entrenched interests and is every bit as interested in monetizing page views as the lone wolf peddler of bogus news. Survivors of sexual abuse and sex trafficking criminalized for self-defense. I hope the results mirror Dr. Marik’s results. And what important news is still not being reported by the mainstream media? Mainstream media outlets across the board were ignoring the event and acting like it did not happen. Inflammation causes a condition called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which damages the lungs so that patients, suffering fever, fatigue, and the sense that their inner chest is on fire, eventually cannot breathe without the help of a ventilator. The following list of 25 fake news stories from the mainstream media shows just how difficult it is to tackle the problem of fake news. Original modelling estimates predicted that millions could die in the US. it should report the news NOT create the news the main stream media today only reports what supports their agenda. Folks, there is other good news about COVID that I want to share. Glenn Greenwald: Mar 31: Freed Traitor Jonathan Pollard Stabs America In The Back Once Again. Observing the court proceedings from the limited space of the public gallery day by day, Murray warned: ‘It has been clear to me from Day 1 that I am watching a charade unfold. Skip to secondary content. In other words, 99.94% of us will survive. Fully 81% of U.S. adults who prefer facts without interpretation believe fact-checking is a major or minor responsibility of the news media. The creator of the list was a madcap left-wing activist who compiled it on a whim, not through any sort of rigorously-vetted academic process. But, I don’t think it deserves the fear level we are at right now. <>/Metadata 105 0 R/ViewerPreferences 106 0 R>> A press release dated March 30, 2020 stated: “If you can administer Vitamin C intravenously starting in the Emergency Room and every 6 hours thereafter, while in the hospital, the mortality rate of this disease and the need for mechanical ventilators will likely be greatly reduced,” says Dr. Pierre Kory, the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center and Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Before I get into the good news, let me preface this article by stating that I am not minimizing the dangers of COVID-19. Those who do NOT fall into those categories have a LOWER risk of death from it. You wouldn’t know it, but there is still good news about COVID-19 out there. We’ve repeatedly made our point, in plenty of articles on this website, about the fact that mainstream media companies are spewing out massive amounts of fake news all over the world. High-profile police killings, particularly of African … The good news is that people all over the world are doing their share to keep journalism alive. Flush out toxins from your body with the help of these vegetables (Food) - 75 Hours Ago. Blatant falsehoods reported by mainstream media You are not signed in as a Premium user; we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting. Studies have shown that the ratio of bad news to good news … Sadly, the mass killings of Christians is not getting the media coverage it deserves [OPINION] Throughout 2019, the news cycle has extensively reported on tragic events like the New Zealand massacre, which saw dozens of Muslims at two mosques gunned down.. Skip to primary content . He gives critically ill patients IV doses of hydrocortisone, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 within six hours of entering the emergency room. In fact, it is shameful. At least five mainstream media outlets have not reported on the alleged murder of five-year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was reportedly killed at the hands of a 25-year-old North Carolina man, causing the hashtag #SayHisName to trend on social media on Thursday. References to the report “have been limited to independent media outlets,” Project Censored said. Antifa has long wanted to target Ngo for exposing their attacks, and they finally followed through. For more big dumb idiots in mainstream media, check out 7 Clearly Fake News Stories That Fooled The Mainstream Media and 5 More Clearly Fake News Stories That Fooled the Media. Coronavirus XIV: The Good News is Still There But Not Reported By Mainstream Media, by Dr. Brownstein Posted on April 7, 2020 | Leave a comment There have been therapies that show good results against the coronavirus without relying on expensive drugs. Before I get into the good news, let me preface this article by stating that I am not minimizing the dangers of COVID-19. Which is exactly what they did with the situation of Joe Biden falling. <> He expected violence, and he found it. At the Center for Holistic Medicine, we know there is not time to wait for a vaccine. stream Claim: Mainstream media has not reported on the arrival of the new sets of trains for the Philippine National Railways (PNR), according to Facebook page JP Fajura. Home; About Me; Movies MUST WATCH; Post navigation ← Older posts. I was just told by a journalist in one of the top 3 newspapers that they were just told NO STORIES of any voter fraud. So why isn’t IV vitamin C along with the other therapies Dr. Marik recommends being used in every COVID-19 patient? On Jan. 7, 2019 outgoing … He reports that his patients are getting off the ventilator at 48 hours instead of 10-21 days! Unlike corporate media, the non-mainstream is driven by a desire for the truth - not profits. Listening to the media would make you believe that the sky is falling and we are all going to die from coronavirus. The human body is well designed and the immune system, when given the proper support, can optimally function. In those days there weren’t many people making a fuss about fake news stories. They revel in the bad news and censor the good news. News That Matters: Stories You Don’t See on Mainstream Media. But, it needs to be put in proper perspective. We appreciate the use of their links on our site. They revel in the bad news and censor the good news. It is time for you to find a holistic doctor who understands the best way to treat COVID-19 (and many other illnesses) is to support the host. It’s unlikely that media executives expected the furious demand for news in 2020 and early 2021 would last indefinitely. Not only is WWF’s modelled timeline scientifically unacceptable but the irresponsible prediction of extinction by 2050 is repeatedly quoted in mainstream media ad nauseum. They see not only an ever-growing partisanship in news reporting but a determination by the mainstream media to push a political agenda instead of honestly disseminating the news. NBC News asked by email, text, … Among others: Most mainstream news organizations, including NBC News, have not been granted access to the documents. The vitamin C is a combination therapy developed in 2017 by, IT IS INFURIATING! I have shown you our success in treating COVID-19 patients with a. (Huffington Post, New York Times, FiveThirtyEight, et al.) Not reported by mainstream media: Farm Attack: Elderly couple shot during farm attack on Primkop Farm. The most interesting fact I learned in the last few years about mainstream media is that almost all news reported is negative. Conventional medicine can wait for a vaccine. Blatant falsehoods reported by mainstream media. The 100,000-200,000 number is awful. CNN sent reporter Amber … Most mainstream news outlets aren’t falling for Rudy Giuliani’s “October surprise” — at least not yet. For example, it was recently reported that the Pentagon paid a PR firm $540 million to make – and fake – ‘terror’ videos in Iraq. Itself, that ’ s right: the information in this blog should “. News ' `` 60 Minutes '' widely panned report that Florida Gov & is... Body is well designed and the immune system with the help of news not reported by mainstream media vegetables ( Food ) - 73 Ago! His duty to continue covering their violence not “ drive ” the public drive. 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