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. Symptoms started Sunday. Seriously. [if this posts a dozen times, it’s because WPDE and was greying out the Post button.]. So, so close in the first part and so so far in the second. Though I ran into something like what Sarah describes, starting in the 2004 election. We’ve thought about a locked one, but even those get broken into … on camera. Virtue Signaling. Probably because modern culture has mocked and derided sincerity, heroism, and the numinous for so long that even those of us who believe it in have trouble speaking the language of such things. And good on your Mom for taking that first offer. They are turning their backs on the Constitution, Western Civ and their ancestor’s sacrifices. Wouldn’t be an abandonment…. There are people who already know if the balloon goes up they will have to become that. But keep a close eye on the situation particularly for escalation of animosity. Our big girls are very into Lent, this year– because they are BIG GIRLS. As I remember it the 6mo timeline involved them going full jackboot in a big way that couldn’t be routed around (mass firearm confiscation being the stand in example). Last year we had no easter service but online. We will get you a Rain Check, Reschedule, or a Refund. ~. So, they want their cash, and they want you in prison. …. That’s something I hadn’t thought of in my gun purchases. I have bee given to believe that even some parts of New York are not god-forsaken hellholes (although, as in California, efforts are underway to reduce those polities.) Several bills are now automatically paid, with Pacific Power (Berkshire Hathaway Delenda Est) being a notable exception. This can even be used for delivery services like UPS. That question continues to reverberate through our public life. So I decided to test that out and stopped calling. They are most of the way there covidians. Think of someone physically healthy, with a full working muscle memory of judo, and dementia. And in one famous case, just having tools that *might* be used to make a machine gun was enough, even though no “machine guns” were found. But at least that’s the last legal entanglement and I can never see them again. Legally they couldn’t call. Don’t take this as callousness, but: you’ll get over it. It’s going to be bad, and things are going to start going downhill so fast here real soon, that people aren’t going to know what hit them. Not people I’d want to see my bank statements. Kid, you would not believe how late some of us ride this hobby horse! WoW was ultra popular and opened the flood gates for normalfags of all colours and creeds, while halo 2 was the spark that turned online gaming from a thing for sweaty college/uni nerds into a thing for little kids. What to do in life? I know not whence John Ringo stole it, but I’m stealing it from him: When death is inevitable die with style. 36. if I didn’t do it, my brothers threatened to charge me with felony elder abuse. Hard core, flaming, drooling, spitting nuclear. And for the leftists think this means they won…. Pornhub is the most complete and revolutionary porn tube site. Remember, they can't do the deal without you, ... and wholesale value. You need to get laid more.”. He did finally ate a little and kept it down last night, or alternatively, hasn’t ran through him. Keep your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark. Not even with a (very good) well (which after 10 years, couldn’t have been working), septic tank, 2.75 acres, in an area with 5 acre minimum (grandfathered). There really aren’t safe places any more, and it feels like it’s just going to get worse until the break. “… I will remind you there are troops occupying our capital”, Eh. No, Q is real and the Trump team are very clearly in on it. My late hubby used to say that most people would appreciate the US if they just spent a couple years south of the border and had to make a living. Could still be stomach flu or something similar, but if you two are okay, it could well just be food poisoning. – but as time passes and you adapt it’ll hurt less. Only with help from one of my brothers… I’ve been in the medical system so long that most of my money goes there. He is risen, indeed!” Thousands of voices together proclaim. Watch your backs. ~. And they had relatives there. But then as a creative that probably makes me loony. General Delivery has been free the several places I’ve had it, tho it’s been a few years. Propel is a good option, Powerade if you can find it. “Fuzzy” (short for “Fuzzy-Head”) is the nick-name I gave my youngest when she was a baby and it stuck. There will not be an election in 2022. (Hey, so was I until the ’82 Cali elections and “we’ll take your excess* guns if this passes” initiative.) I’m already expecting PT to suck, so what’s 4X. …Though to be fair, if you fit in here SAN was probably your dump stat anyway. Because their whole identity is one of being a “caring” person. Foxfier sadly your anology has some issues. Which is why things are going to go kinetic eventually. Or your sibling. Okay, so here’s the blog post I don’t want to write. As we believe that fundraising is one of the most honourable things you can do, we have created a list of fundraising ideas to help you raise funds for those that need it most. (I knew they were left, but it hadn’t really come up before.) I have a leftover radio from my days on a rural FD. The lefties think 4 Chan are all incel lunatics and while there are a great many incel lunatics there, I think more of them are like my son and my son-in-law very smart boys who are cursed to see clearly with a well developed sense of the absurd. https://nypost.com/2021/03/08/biden-seems-to-forget-defense-secretarys-name/. If Harris formally becomes President, she is no longer VP and the Dems lose their tie-breaking vote in the Senate until a new VP is confirmed, which requires Senate approval. I expect him to be cancelled any day now. While it is possible this person has accurately described his or her family and religious upbringing, can we suggest they are wrong, over-reacting to minor differences, subject to the current fever that anybody not an active ally is an enemy? Can somebody link me to one of those? Allow for the possibility of both, Mike. Just don’t try to tell HER that, might as well be talking to a brick wall. I think the analogy to a religious observance being forced upon those who don’t agree might be on point. Six figures annually is just an opening bid. What I can do once physical therapy starts will guide a lot of the nearterm future. I’m betting the letter writer was paid a flat fee for their fiction. At this moment a lot of you are sitting back there and going “My wife/husband/elementary school friend is not an enemy. Thank you for the kind offer! So if you can’t do either of the above, I recommend you think really hard of ways to neutralize them that won’t permanently hurt them, should they come for you. Foxfier sadly your anology has some issues. I’m not worried about people being unable to vote because it is too hard for them to register, I am worried about corruption at the ballot box. I wrote a thing recently about how especially appalling it was to see science fiction/fantasy readers and writers proudly professing that they were cutting off all contact with people who didn’t agree with them about everything, because… weren’t we supposed to be the ones who were interested in alien philosophies, first contact, the extreme diversity of intergalactic/interspecies alliances? 1 is a forward-thinking democracy reform package that will limit the influence of big money in our politics, protect voting rights, and impose new ethics reforms to help end the culture of corruption that still exists in Washington. I have a brother who was a big fan of Ron Paul back when Dubya was in office. Our official motto is, If you’re gonna be a bear, be a grisly bear (Our unofficial motto is, Here, Hold Mt Beer.)! Yes they can. Spare us from those who believe they have a superior world view and must impose it on us “for our own good.” Many are likely to die in the coming unrest and purges. Working at a University, well … it was survival. The recommendation is to do as our beloved and terrifying space princess hostess is doing and relocate as soon as possible, and hope you clear your datum well before the Green Police are knocking on your door at 4am: Oh, that ad. Hallelujah! Once that went through – and yes, my brothers threw a fit and threatened to contest – all that was left was a pile of family photos and a hoarder-trashed house. We will be with you until your product is in hand. I hate groups of people. The particular WP columnist this is from does a very good job of dismantling writer’s problems, reminding of the importance of maintaining boundaries and explaining to people that they cannot “fix” other people, they can only fix themselves (which sometimes means choosing between tolerating or separating from the “problem” people.) The religion teaches prejudice and hatred. I am half-way through the book, and am not prepared to express an opinion on it. I’ve been looking for a way to divide by zero…. Because you were in one of those marriages where you always cancelled each other’s votes. Even the ACLU has come out against some of the changes that it would institute. I doubt mine would do it intentionally. it’s because it’s the mirror image of their actual main stream. Heard one lady talking of her friends or relatives, with small (5 or 6?) Yes, even casual conversations with true believers who are family members could get you turned in and children are being propagandized to monitor and report on their parents for their own good. The next American Civil War will be fought in a lot of places, in sudden flare ups and unexpected bursts of rage. *Crosses fingers, knocks on wood!*. AKA, “Wait until the people who just wanted to be left alone get involved.”. Although I am firmly behind enemy lines, my wife is a moderate and doesn’t follow the news and I can deal with the rest. Money-wise, they won. Here’s to freeing yourself from their claws, and clambering all the way out of the crab bucket! I’ve always been the most conservative of my IR friend group, but up until the last year it was ok. We hung-out, we talked geeky stuff, we cooked. Sure, it was. If you can make it to a theater where everyone’s dressed up and participating, you’ll never be the same again. I’m certainly not going to change her mind, but I’d love to be a fly on the wall when one of her friends calls her out with a non-Leftist opinion. Maybe a year ago I’d have been bothered. How many already have an arrest record? He finally got about 6 hours sleep yesterday. But you also need to do the other side of being a Boy Scout. You’re mssing the point. “Like most Americans, Natalie and Aaron fail to believe that the civilized German culture with which they are familiar could possibly engage in genocide. If you could, there would be no leftists. (The left knows it too. People with people knowledge will probably expand and corrrect that. Most of what I say that’s good is swiped from older, wiser heads than mine. It’s the ones who quietly decide, “The world would be a better place without that one, and that one, and that one…”. Yeah, I wasn’t referring to anything in particular, just trying to inform you of my findings. Well, the first one I do know, but point made. I have made sure to work in the idea that down this road, they will have to make a choice about whether I have any rights at all–something that really never occurred to them. The round themselves should fit both weapons. ~. Pointing out that it worked, is a distraction, because it worked for less perfected people. ), never them. (Hint: More money than I have ever seen in my life. I’ve been looking around for the past year-plus and wondering how on earth the whole country seems to have gone mad the way my family is. This Prager U video does a good job of revealing a big part of why so many on the Left are bitter, miserable, and unhappy: Clue: it is part of their business plan. My attitude is that she has lots of other friends (political opinions unknown), so she isn’t going to miss me. Technology is our expertise. How many are in “special” educational tracks? achieve prophet: that heaven-on-earth that comes when all the taxpayers, white people, straight people, and folks that just wanted to be left alone are all gone forever. What bothers me is how sudden the radicalization seems. I have not-so-fond memories of cutting 30 checks a month in the ’80s and ’90s. Mom won’t leave her house. Er. Keep an eye on the media they consume too. The joy of a blog’s comments is that people who will be back later can still talk to you, even if it is nine when you post. Especially since the belief that the 6th was not an insurrection already has me on the outs with almost all immediate fam. Your gym membership? Want to bet that same letter writer screams in outrage at any criticism of Islam, particularly when people point out specific passages that Jihadists use to justify violence against “the infidels”. Usually. I can’t fathom. As for using Orwell, it is said the best way to be an accurate predictor of the future is to create it. He is as bad as his dad, and mom, if I’m honest. Or rather posters All Over The Time Zones. Also passing on the knowledge of what skills one has earned in life. We used a couple of FRS cheapies several years ago, but privacy was an issue. check out what I made on the 3-D printer! And above all don’t let yourself become someone you won’t be able to live with after. Whether Trump himself is, I don’t know. ”. More appropriate is that such information has been subtracted from History. How can the school tell whether some random boy is an ‘honest trans’ or just a common perv seeking a free ticket to the girls locker room? What you and the sane sibling want is to ensure that if someone happens to either of you, they don’t track down your brothers. By Zillow reports it recently resold for $130k after sitting vacant and overran by vegetation for almost 10 years. The left has no patience? Why?”. Now? House needed tearing down ages ago. MAKE THEM EXPERIENCE SOME OF THE PAIN THEY ARE SUPPORTING. Caring what the neighbors think is a hell of a drug. But the two most recent – that still make me purely see red – was 1) “it’s your fault mom wasn’t diagnosed until late-stage, and you can just spend the rest of your life taking care of her, that’s not our responsibility.”, And then 2) “Oh, you want to sell the house and split it equally? That is why the idea of the perfectibility of man is so dangerous and I cannot think of a religion outside the Marxist faiths that endorses that it can be achieved en mass, but only on a personal level (and even that is limited in many faiths to requiring an external actor to achieve). If it’s family it’s more difficult, but we still advise a bug out bolt hole they don’t know about. Mom was going a bit lefty and at the time of the Stormy Daniels (and Creepy Porn Lawyer) accusations eagerly mentioned she was going to watch the 60 minutes interview. Might have been Daryl Davis. I suspect, though, if people were forced to go through Lent without being grounded in and accepting the purpose of the observance, they might not think well if it. You did it! One reason we bit the bullet and took 1/3 was otherwise one of the brothers wanted to “fix it up”. ~. Which involved harassing customers – me – and preventing them from going into the store. You just described the entirety of the communist Pacific Northwest. How many are on Ritalin or other state-mandated drugs? *shudder*, Aye (Cyn) it’s like the Emo Philips bit about being warned to keep clear of the cellar door…, “When I was a kid my parents used to tell me, “Emo, don’t go near the cellar door!” One day when they were away, I went up to the cellar door. Sometimes they ignore it– like that infamous case where the dad did a Christmas eve hostage situation because they were going to harvest is son’s organs, and when the police doc got in there he started a search for the missing patient because it was obvious that the guy in the bed was not brain-dead, even if the estranged wife and her favorite son had signed off on the organ harvesting. “Oh, it might also be that in places, but what I said is that 4 Chan is often Vimes-al.”. I’m remembering Kurt’s cameo in one of Larry and Jerry’s Inferno books. No. Now, lets say that COVIDiocy has broken my trust of people I was planning on having be my support network. To me, the religion’s teachings are so wrong, so harmful, that acting friendly around them as long as religion doesn’t come up would be like having a friend who’s a member of a neo-Nazi organization and just turning a blind eye to it. Glad I was wrong. My sane sib and I had to pay a lawyer for that. I was GD for a long time, back when I lived on a road with no mail service. Would the billboards asking for information about “violence” in DC on January 6 count? JOSEPH CHUTNEY POGOSTICK, SARAH, DON’T GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK LIKE THAT! As I acquire some, I think the times will bless me with a lot more clarity than might have been true ten years ago. If on foot, do A. Bike, B. My experience, yes, counts for something. Byrne’s account is riveting and contains links to videos, spread sheets, etc. 1) Sarah’s post really hit home when I read it yesterday. The worst part will be all the children who turn on their parents, after being propagandized that “informing is caring” and “GULAG is kindness”. If the escahton, Heaven on Earth, is achievable is their any moral limitation to what can be justified to achieve it? They re not real. If you put another $60k into it. (Despite my dripping sarcasm, it’s a decent summation of the mindset. It’s called that too. An original movie poster can be defined as: A poster that was issued for a movie by the National Screen Service (NSS), or by a movie studio, or by another company authorized by the studio for display in an actual movie theatre at the time of the films original release. I will remind you that your favorite progressive has allowed himself to be moved from “strong welfare net” to “we need full on communism, with favored races” within the last 12 years (or was indoctrinated into that state in schools.) And I can foresee laws that would make felons out of large numbers of our residents. The one group I started for extremely extended family matters related to the historical family graveyard, is for discussing that topic only. The dubious relatives in my family now have nothing but a post office box for our address, and there is absolutely no more reason for them to contact us or meet us in person. You wrote, “Any number of your spouses, relatives and friends are leftist because that’s “what good people are.”” I have some blood kin that fall in the sweet spot of Sarah’s category of braindead family, and should the balloon go up, they won’t be merely unwelcome, they’ll be the poster children of shoot-on-sight orders. There is truly some amazing outrage on Twitter about that. When you gift our gummy or jelly candy, you’re showing someone how much you appreciate them as a person. *grin* Who knows? Uniformly. On the gripping hand, though, if you tend towards honey shine, one might just be able to acquire it for a decent price…. Why do the Leftroids never mention such concerns? They’re evangelical nihilists, spreading their entropic gospel that will somehow (step 2: ????) This is exactly what you are talking about. I know this is more time than our Hostess estimates, so think of it as a potential absolute last moment if she turns out to be overly pessimistic. And a list of people they’re going to visit at 3am. I hope it’s enough. Mommy needs her panic time, so don’t interrupt! ~, Yeah, here on Earth when I don’t want to be pegged, it’s the Northern Wastes. Actually, legally, we were tenants in common, so could not walk away without getting a lawyer involved and racking up more legal bills in any case. My brother lives in the sticks in Ireland and he and I agree on things anyway, so we’re good. Thing is one must be careful and a bit closed mouthed, deep divers in particular, over what one might find. Many individuals would willingly snitch on family and friend gun owners. OBVIOUSLY NOT LISTENING! Doing good works by eliminating the threat of one more conservative. Arnold plays an ordinary guy who is frustrated by dreams of Mars, where he has never been. This is why I worked so frantically last year and this to move out of where I’d been living AND get the house sold off. Exactly. Guess I can catch a nap later …. Power for power’s sake is his only calling. There’s a *lot* more to do while one is still alive. Keeping my head down, and staying anonymous, and moving on before i wear out my welcome…. Fortunately, it’s 300 miles away and I need never go near the place. Tying it to Lewis actually makes a certain amount of sense, since he apparently submitted this thing (or something sufficiently close to it) at the start of every House term. in control of our government and secret services, which actually means in the control of the left and deep state. People I know offline are mostly sane although I’ve drifted away from an internet community I was involved in for 10 or so years – pretty much everyone there who doesn’t lean strongly left has disappeared. People who worry about living with what they have to do might want to look up William Tecumseh Sherman and General Patton. with his daughter when she was a young teen? Having no fixed address, traveling to family who are my political fellow travelers, and seeing the few states I haven’t yet visited. I will say this: Byrne is not a nobody. A bunch of them got caught up in the Greek Civil war. Exactly the way to go. Nieces, nephews, maybe your kids? Others in “undisclosed locations” which could be anywhere, too. Re PO Box – the trouble is they are clearly not an actual address, so there are lots of instances where they are not accepted. One thing about relocating — beware places within 50 miles of a college or university. And maybe you are. And I feel fine this AM. In any case, the trigger point would be when the Federal Government either attempts to take control of elections in states that refused to comply, or refuses to seat congresscritters from those same states. We’ve refused on-line banking with the credit union because of security concerns. Hashtag: If you have a particular interest in a product category or industry, you can try searching for applicable hashtags. I know you’ve got the greatest tribe of creative thinkers right here, so you will never be alone. . Yes, we ended up paying for the probate and our brothers skated on that bill too. Maybe he is rubbing salt in wounds, maybe he is acknowledging there was something hinky in that voting. Frenzy to be fair, if I have a good red scare, enjoy the Loudin... The thing exploring the reasoning underlying the internment as in look what we not... That being smothered you to attach to the rather obvious and blatant corruption in DC to kids and teens terrifying! 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