In English, the plural of apparatus is apparatus or apparatuses. Word forms: plural apparatuses 1. variable noun The apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of operation. A Bedouin is worse: it is already an inflected sound plural (the previous two are 'broken') and it is also used in English as a plural. (ap'ă-rā'tŭs), The plural of this word is apparatus, not apparati. Would it be possible to reenter the atmosphere without a heat shield using a glider design? An increasingly common term, hadith (a prophetic tradition) is ahadith, and that confuses because of what looks like an English indefinite article at the beginning. Bossy coworker asked me to stay late. (Sometimes the Latin is spelled singular apparātus and plural apparātūs; the vowel lengthens in the plural, but that's not usually reflected in the spelling.) These plural of apparatus are CE, ISO, ROHS certified for authenticity. b. The country lacks a strong state/government apparatus. Golgi apparatus see golgi apparatus. circa 1628, in the meaning defined at sense 1a, borrowed from Latin apparātus "act of preparing, display, trappings, equipment," from apparāre "to make ready, make preparations for" (from ad- ad- + parāre "to supply, provide, make ready") + -tus, suffix of verbal nouns — more at pare. Both are correct. As @JohnLawler said, not all Latin words keep their Latin plurals. I assume this usage developed because people didn't know whether to use apparatus or apparatuses for the plural, and figured out a way of avoiding the issue altogether. The plural of tomato is tomatoes, not tomato’s. Arabic is a bugbear for non-Arabists. Send us feedback. They were setting up the apparatus for the experiment. But campi would be correct in Latin, while apparati is incorrect in both English and Latin. offers 1,583 plural for apparatus products. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. View synonyms. A wide variety of plural for apparatus options are available to you, claims that the plural of 'apparatus' is 'apparatuses'. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? All Free. The repressive state apparatus (RSA) functions as a unified entity (an institution), unlike the ideological state apparatus (ISA), which is diverse in nature and plural in function. If I fork a lib that is MIT / Apache 2.0 dual license, can I change it to CC0 for redistribution? Should I tell our manager? Is the direction of Tefila (temple) always in the direction of sunrise? Here's an example of that sort of thing happening in "real time" and even within the same language: The term in geometry for a truncated tapering solid (e.g. 3. “Apparatus.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. (Sometimes the Latin is spelled singular apparātus and plural apparātūs; the vowel lengthens in the plural, but that's not usually reflected in the spelling.) Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! What is the Role of "Quid" in "ne quid obstet"? It certainly comes from a Latin word, but did it bring along its Latin plural form? It might refer to one item, (a breathing apparatus) or a group of items (sports apparatus). (n. ) Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or utensils, for a given duty, experimental or operative; any complex instrument or appliance, mechanical or chemical, for a specific action or operation; machinery; mechanism. 30 day trek in Nepal. @PeterShor that is interesting. However Ngrams shows it to be more widely used than the supposedly more correct "syllabuses". More example sentences. But for fourth declension nouns the singular and plural are the same -- … breathing apparatus. short story: lab demo summons alien stripper. If you really have to make a plural of the English word, you could use apparatus, which is given as a plural in the OED. A hashshash is, reputedly, someone who smokes hashish (grass). Yet the expansion will significantly test the state’s health, The Russian Lesin was an aide to Vladimir Putin and then his wealthy media catspaw, founder of the Russia Today propaganda, The difference is that left-wing Democrats now have enough sway within both the party, In that position, he's overseen California's vast elections, Her disappearance, and the many questions around it, demonstrates that even those within the propaganda, Such influence is seen as posing serious challenges to the Chinese Communist Party and its own powerful propaganda, How could more than 3 million people slip through our testing, Post the Definition of apparatus to Facebook, Share the Definition of apparatus on Twitter, Words We're Watching: (Figurative) 'Super-Spreader'. Thus, "bread and circuses" is preferable to "bread and circi." The word Caliph (originally khalifa) has its correct plural as khulafa'. It's not uncommon in the UK: see, for example, the, @DavidRicherby well yes, that'swhy I mentioned that nobody says it. In English, the plural of prospectus is Anglicized to prospectuses and that of status to statuses. For some Latin nouns of the second declension, like campus, the Latin plural has been lost, and the English plural adds an -es. I was talking about English. Export coordinates as text from a shapefile layer in QGIS, stadium/stadiums (Greek word actually but came to English through Latin and (almost) nobody says. How does the vowel extension reflect? noun apparatuses 1 The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose. Am I being too hasty about wanting to be recognized? None of those words have an -i plural. What unites the disparate ISA, however, is their ultimate control by the ruling ideology. quotations ▼ Synonyms: dynamic, mechanism, setup A complex machine or instrument. Consider: And the list goes on. The Latin plural of the noun apparatus is actually apparatus. ‘one thing about the book's apparatus does irritate: the absence of an index of titles’. Delivered to your inbox! 1. Do not use an apostrophe before the s unless the apostrophe significantly helps the readers. apparatus (plural apparatuses or apparatusses or apparatus or (rare) apparatûs or (hypercorrect) apparati) The entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Latin plurals should be reserved for use in humor or direct quotes from that language. 1. It only takes a minute to sign up. I've made many. and is often omitted. Antipodes is a Greek plural, but oddly one never sees thee singular, although when people in Europe say that I'm from the antipodes I point out that so are they - I'm from the southern antipous, they're from the northern. The Latin nouns which pluralize by turning an -us into an -i, like radius, fungus, alumnus, are all second declension. @terdon I don't think this has anything to do with written versus spoken English. The personal pronouns and the demonstrative pronouns change with number. These machines are equipped with powerful motors for specific models and are also available in electric versions too. (n. ) Things provided as means to some end. apparatus noun (ORGANIZATION) [ C usually singular ] an organization or system, especially a political one: The whole apparatus of communism was already falling apart. 3. verbs SMART Vocabulary: related words … See pronouns 1 and 6. For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime. One Bedouin is a badu, nominative Bedouins are Badawun, and the adjective is badawi. The Latin plural of the noun apparatus is actually apparatus. I encourage you to take the. This is because it's fourth declension. Latin declensions are found by looking at the genitive, given as the second word form in a Latin dictionary, and/or are simply memorized. Should I connect RXD to TXD and vice versa. Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. lacrimal apparatus see lacrimal apparatus. apparatus - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Should I Carry extra batteries in the field or bring a solar charging unit? How do you decline nouns borrowed from languages with several categories for declining nouns (or none at all)? But the OED also gives apparatuses, which seems a much better bet. 1. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. How do you prepare to attend a conference where you may have trouble following the talks? But when I looked, mostly dictionary websites say "apparatuses" I believe this is just the Anglican influence. "Apparatus" has Latin plural "apparatus" (not "apparati"--my Latin teachers would be appalled). An appliance or device for a particular purpose: an x-ray apparatus. Also, where can I read about determining which declension a noun is? These plural of apparatus are energy-saving products and also easy to operate. And much more.... To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. A speaker or writer who produces a hypercorrection generally believes that the form is correct through misunderstanding of these rules, often combined with a desire to appear formal or educated. A plural gains acceptance as a singular because language is always changing to suit the comfort of the people who speak it. juxtaglomerular apparatus a collective term for the juxtaglomerular cells in a nephron. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This singular/plural problem affects many languages that have given loanwords to English. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Welcome to EL&U. In the 18th and 19th centuries, when most educated English speakers had studied Latin, apparatus was sometimes used as the plural; I believe this usage is quite rare today. Using "whom" as a subject pronoun is a classic. The plural form of apparatus; more than one (kind of) apparatus 2. Accessed 9 Apr. Learn a new word every day. Long vowels in Latin may be written under a macron, eg. It's the pedant's own-goal, basically. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Unless you're a girl, then you're an alumna and you and your friends are alumnae. 3. Second declension nouns form the plural by changing -us to -i. Hummus comes from a collective plural himmas (and variants),chickpeas. In the case of "syllabus", for instance, an analysis of the Latin shows "syllabi" to be a hypercorrection. plural apparatuses or apparatus Medical Definition of apparatus : a group of anatomical and cytological parts having a common function the respiratory apparatus — see golgi apparatus We say, "Nobody says stadia". This is because it's fourth declension. The apostrophe with s should never be used to mark the plural form of a noun. An otherwise useful website referred to in this discussion claims that datum is never used in English; an engineer will quickly disabuse you of that misconception; certainly I prefer to treat data as plural but wouldn't say it was wrong to do ot, In technical and scientific work dealing with this and that. You don't actually hear the English plural apparatuses that often, because apparatus is often treated as a semi-uncountable noun: one apparatus, two pieces of apparatus. The plural of horse is horses, not horse’s. (also critical apparatus) A collection of notes, variant readings, and other matter accompanying a printed text. 2. I have seen "apparati" as a plural of "apparatus," but the general rule is that regular English plurals of Latin words are acceptable and usually preferable. Apparatus. Book recommendations for your spring reading. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How to put a clean hole in concrete block? A collection of instruments adapted for a special purpose. Yes and No questions - Are a "checkmark" and an "X" icon not neutral enough? Anyone who writes "stadia" is going to say it, too; if it's true that the word is rarely used in spoken English, it's because people rarely need to talk about more than one stadium, not because people write "stadia" but say "stadiums". A similar form is assassin, which starts as an inflected plural hashshashin. Can I have utility location done well in advance of a fence project? This is not a traditional discussion forum, but a Q&A site where "answers" are expected to address the original post directly. What made you want to look up apparatus? The noun 'apparatus' is an uncountable noun, it has no plural form.The noun 'apparatus' is a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts. a pyramid or cone with the point chopped off) is a, (And, yes, I absolutely charged myself the $25 pretentious-word fee, along with an admission that I had to first look it up myself. The plural of an abbreviation or acronym is shown by adding s to the end. Statuses or status? ), @Floris well, yes, OK, in other languages sure. 2. pronouns. Many don't. Some more examples similar to the question are: Although in some cases (see "octopi" vs "octopuses" on Ngrams) the hypercorrected form may be common enough to be accepted as standard usage. This is different from Latin nouns of the second declension, such as fungus and alumnus , which pluralize by replacing the -us with an -i — fungi and alumni . In other words, trust the dictionary, it tends to know more than we do. What is the correct plural form of “offspring”? an expensive piece of apparatus [= machinery] [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. To write "apparati" is an example of a hypercorrection: In linguistics or usage, hypercorrection is a non-standard usage that results from the over-application of a perceived rule of grammar or a usage prescription. Definitely never octopi - the original word is Greek but is octopous; so octopus is always an English word taking an English plural. I know it exists, it's just very rarely used in normal conversation which is why I said that nobody. [=a … For example, the plural for alumnus is alumni. I have no Latin so I don't know how many of these don't keep their plural because of the rule mentioned in @PeterShor's answer but you can see that many Latin words have normal English plurals. How should I approach an interview where I'm lacking one of the skills? 1. countable/uncountable the machines, tools, and equipment needed for doing something, especially something technical or scientific. How can this regular hobgoblin from the Acquisitions Incorporated adventure "The Orrery of the Wanderer" use a Spell Scroll? An integrated group of materials or... Apparati - definition of Apparati by The Free Dictionary ... accouterment (often used in plural), equipment, gear, material (used in plural), materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, rig, tackle, thing (used in plural), turnout. apparatus: plural: apparatuses or apparatus: DEFINITIONS 3. See the full definition for apparatus in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for apparatus, Nglish: Translation of apparatus for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of apparatus for Arabic Speakers. 2021. This page has examples of plurals of abbreviations and an interactive exercise worksheet. structure, system, framework, organization, set-up, network. status → statūs, but this is inconsistent usage across time, place, et al. What is the proper plural form of 'apparatus'? Apparatus, though, has the regular English plural apparatuses but also … (n. ) Plural of Apparatus. Apparatus definition, a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our town has excellent fire-fighting apparatus… Surely that can't be right... isn't it 'apparati'? Reader’s question: What is the correct plural of status? With status, apparatus, and other Latin nouns of the fourth declension ending in -us, the English plural adds an -es. Can you sell a house to cover cost of "street repairs"? Some scientists find "apparatuses" too awkward, so they try to form the plural as "apparati". Latin words such as apparatus and status are nouns of the fourth declension; their plural form in English generally adds an -es . @JohnLawler: Should I check its passport into English-land then? (See Google Ngrams.) A sampling of such words is prospectus, status, and apparatus. The plural form of Golgi apparatus is also Golgi apparatus. The noun apparatus evolved from the Latin apparātus, meaning "equipment or preparation." (The middle vowel also lengthens. (plural apparatuses) [uncountable] the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task a piece of laboratory apparatus Firefighters needed breathing apparatus to … These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'apparatus.' Since Apparatus is of Latin origin, I thought apparati. Can I used more then one Window on an FFT? Try it out and see. ... (with a short u in the singular and a long u in the plural: the Latin plural of “apparatus” is “apparatus”), except neuters end in “u” in the singular and “ua” in the plural. apparatus [ap″ah-rat´tus] (pl. English can either accommodate the Latin plural "apparatus" or use the English plural "apparatuses" of the anglicized word. But there are two types of Latin nouns ending in -us. [count] : the organization or system used for doing or operating something — usually singular. Here’s a spelling tip: often, when a word ends in -us, the plural ending changes to i — “alumnus/alumni,” “focus/foci.” What Peter said. Synonyms and related words +- rev 2021.4.9.39043. appara´tus, apparatuses) an arrangement of a number of parts acting together to perform a special function. Quotes from that language about wanting to be recognized khalifa ) has its correct form... Apparatus products site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts does irritate: organization... 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